Favourite Flavours
How We Make Our Ice Creams

1. Boiling The Milk
The fresh buffalo milk is boiled till its volume becomes almost half. This also increases the fat %, which lends that rich creamy feel in your mouth.

2. Homogenizing
The boiled milk is then passed through a high pressure homogenizer, which basically breaks down the fat globules in the milk so that they do not separate and form a cream layer in the boiled milk.

3. Preparing The Mix
The homogenized milk is then cooled, and the fruits / dry fruits/ chocolates/ sugar are added at this stage as per the recipe of that flavour.

4. Churning
This is most important step where the ice cream is actually prepared. The ice cream mix is churned in the freezers, which introduces air into the mix(called "overrun") simultaneously lowering the temperature. Our ice creams are at 25-30% overrun (Commercial ice creams go upto 100%)

5. Hardening
The ice cream that has been freshly prepared is then put in the hardening room, where its temperature is quickly brought down to -40 degrees. It ensures that no ice particles are formed, and increases the overall shelf life.

Our Process
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